About the Aboriginal Coaching Modules

This course is nationally accredited through the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and the Coaching Association of Canada.

The professional development of Indigenous coaches through NCCP certification has been identified by the Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC) as a national priority. In order to educate and promote the value of the NCCP and to establish meaningful participation of Indigenous peoples in this national program, the ASC embarked on a multi-year process to develop supplemental training material for Indigenous coaches taking NCCP workshops. The result of this process is the Aboriginal Coaching Modules (ACM), which responds to the need for a national training curriculum with content that reflects the uniqueness of Indigenous cultures, values, and lifestyles.

Learning Objectives of the Aboriginal Coaching Modules

The ACM is a professional development training tool for Indigenous and non-Indigenous coaches who coach Indigenous athletes, as they become certified through the NCCP. The material in the ACM has been developed to meet the following learning objectives:

  • Understanding the role of sport in Indigenous communities;
  • Understanding and positively influencing the community in which you coach;
  • Coaching the whole person; coaching beyond the physical to include the mental (intellectual and emotional), spiritual and cultural;
  • Responding to racism in sport;
  • Establishing a code of behaviour for your team that respects differences and addresses racism;
  • Helping those you coach make healthy lifestyle choices.

Upcoming Aboriginal Coaching Modules

Date: Saturday, March 8, 2025

Time: 9:00 - 4:30PM

Location: Theatre, Sport for Life Centre, Winnipeg MB

Open to all coaches, educators, recreation workers and directors, etc.

Lunch and learning materials are provided.

Register Now

Contact Us

For more information, contact Cadin Dupasquier, Indigenous Community Sports Consultant & Coach Development Lead by phone at 204-925-5737 or by email at cadin.dupasquier@masrc.com.

Ainfo@masrc.com     x204-925-5737

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