NAIG Alumni Punch Their Ticket to CCAA Nationals!

February 29, 2024

The Manitoba Aboriginal Sports & Recreation Council would like to congratulate the CMU Blazers women's volleyball team on capturing the Manitoba Colleges Athletic Conference (MCAC) 2024 Championship title!

Leading the team is Red River Metis coach Jayme Menzies, pictured with her co-coach/junior coach, son Kona. Jayme has been to three North American Indigenous Games as the head coach of the 19U women's volleyball team!

Sahra McKenzie and Kiera Haney (both Red River Metis) are also NAIG alumni, with Sahra named to the 2020 roster (cancelled due to COVID), and Kiera attending the last Games in 2023, earning a 4th place finish out of 15 teams.

Good luck to the Blazers as they prepare for the 2024 CCAA Women's Volleyball Championships next week in Red Deer, Alberta.


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