2019 Canada Winter Games Seeking Indigenous Officials To Apply For Pilot Program

August 14, 2018

2019 Canada Winter Games Seeking Indigenous Officials To Apply For Pilot Program

(August 8th, 2018) Ottawa - The Canada Games Council (CGC) and Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC), along with Provincial/Territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies (PTASB), Provincial/Territorial Sport Organizations (PTSO) and National Sport Organizations (NSO), firmly believe that the development of Indigenous officials is crucial to positively impacting sport in Indigenous communities.

Through a collaborative approach, the Aboriginal Sport Circle, the Canada Games Council, the 2019 Canada Games Host Society and Sport Canada are establishing a pilot program that will bring Indigenous officials from across the nation to the Canada Winter Games in Red Deer for a once in a lifetime opportunity to observe and learn from NSO certified technical officials.

Interested Indigenous officials can apply to be part of the pilot program by visiting: http://www.aboriginalsportcircle.ca/en/programs/officials.html

"We are thrilled to be working with our terrific partners on creating this incredible opportunity for indigenous officials to learn from some of Canada's best officials," says David Patterson, Canada Games Council President and CEO. "The Canada Games not only help catalyze the careers of athletes and coaches, they also help develop our nation's next generation of officials".

The following sports will be included in the pilot program for the 2019 Canada Games:

  • Archery
  • Women's Hockey
  • Snowboard

"This is a unique opportunity for emerging Indigenous officials to gain valuable insight and mentoring within a major Games setting," says Lara Mussell Savage, I-SPARC Director, Sport. "We are excited for this opportunity to build officiating capacity within our communities."

"I am thrilled that in partnership with the Canada Games Council, Aboriginal Sport Circle, and Provincial Territorial Aboriginal Sport Bodies that Canada Snowboard will be part of leading the Indigenous Officials development program, says Kim Leming, Canada Snowboard Indigenous Snowboard Program Director. "As we move forward with our engaged NSO colleagues, it's important to build and recognize the success of Aboriginal sport, in doing so we continue to build relationships, technical leaders & programs that support Indigenous officials, coaches, and athletes to participate at all levels of play and strive for excellence."

The pilot program will strive to:

  • Grow officiating capacity within indigenous communities
  • Provide indigenous officials with domestic multi-sport Games exposure.
  • Offer professional development to indigenous officials
  • Create meaningful opportunities for collaboration

About the Canada Games

Held once every two years, alternating between winter and summer, the Canada Games represent the highest level of national competition for up and coming Canadian athletes. The Games have been hosted in every province at least once since their inception in Quebec City during Canada's Centennial in 1967. The Games are proud of their contribution to Canada's sport development system in addition to their lasting legacy of sport facilities, community pride and national unity.

The 2019 Canada Winter Games in Red Deer will be held from February 15th to March 3rd. The 2021 Canada Summer Games will be held in the Niagara Region. The organization of the Canada Games is made possible thanks to the contribution and support of the Government of Canada, provincial/territorial governments, host municipalities and the Canada Games Council.


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