Inspiring Trailblazers: Honoring Indigenous Athletes from Manitoba on the World Stage

October 24, 2023

In the arena of sports, as in life, resilience, determination, and a deep connection to one's roots can transcend adversity and inspire us all. Manitoba's Indigenous athletes, competing at the university, college, and international levels, exemplify these qualities in their extraordinary journeys. These individuals have not only achieved athletic excellence but have also surmounted formidable obstacles that often remain unseen by the cheering crowds and the flashing cameras.

Truth & Reconciliation Commission's Call to Action #87

This article is a direct response to the Truth & Reconciliation Commission's Call to Actions, specifically #87, which is as follows: We call upon all levels of government, in collaboration with Aboriginal peoples, sports halls of fame, and other relevant organizations, to provide public education that tells the national story of Aboriginal athletes in history.

It is important to celebrate and recognize the remarkable Indigenous athletes from Manitoba who have risen above hardships and barriers, serving as beacons of hope and inspiration, not only for their communities but for the world at large.

Below is an ever-growing list of Indigenous athletes and coaches competing at the collegiate, university, or international levels.

If you know of an athlete or coach that is not included on this list, please email with their full name, their school, sport, and if they are First Nations, Red River Metis, or Inuit.













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